Journal of Applied Sports Sciences 8(2): 33-44, doi: 10.37393/JASS.2024.02.4
expand article infoTereza Marinova, Diana Popova-Dobreva
‡ National Sports Academy “Vassil Levski”, Sofia, Bulgaria
Open Access
Introduction. Flexibility, or joint range of motion, is often highlighted as a crucial aspect of physical fitness. It is commonly believed that improving flexibility can enhance performance and help lower the risk of injury.Methodology. This study involved a sample of 30 Track and Field athletes who were tested once before the stretching programs were applied (April 2024) and once after (October 2024).Results. The data from descriptive analyses for both tests before and after the application of stretching programs showed slight improvements in the SLJ, VJ, BOMBT, and SSPMBT metrics. The results from the comparative analysis of the VJ, SLJ 30-meter Flying Start, and BOMBTS indicators showed a statistically significant improvement from Test 1 to Test 2.The data from the descriptive analysis: M. Triceps Surae: Test 1 mean of13.27 and Test 2 mean of 16.57 for the right limb; Test 1 mean of 13,2 and Test 2 mean of 17,4 for the left limb; Hamstring: Test 1 mean of 79.47 and Test 2 mean of 86.3, for right limb. Test 1 mean 79.37 and Test 2 mean 85.87 for the left limb; M. Rectus Femoris: Test 1 mean 151.33 and Test 2 mean 153.83 for the right limb. Test 1 mean of 150,9 and Test 2 of 154 for the left limb; M. Erector Spinae: Test 1 mean of 26.77 and Test 2 mean of 28.9.The improvement in the M. Triceps Surae R/L flexibility (The t-value of-2.35/-2.81 at a significance level of α = .05 suggests a statistically significant difference between the two test results, indicating the effectiveness of the applied intervention or training program.Conclusions. The comparative analysis of the Vertical Jump, Standing Long Jump, 30-meter Flying Start, and Backward Overhead Medicine Ball Throw indicators showed a statistically significant improvement from Test 1 to Test 2, indicating a positive effect on the development of speed and strength qualities during the application of the stretching programs. Additionally, Welch’s t-test results highlighted the effectiveness of the intervention program, demonstrating a statistically significant improvement in the flexibility of the M. Triceps Surae R/L between Test 1 and Test 2.
Stretching protocols, Track and Field Athletes